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FLWM&E UnitInception and Consultation Workshop

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Food Loss and Waste
Monitoring & Evaluation Unit

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Food Loss and Waste
Monitoring & Evaluation Unit

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Food Loss and Waste
Monitoring & Evaluation Unit

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The main objective of the unit is to develop and support effective solutions and policies for FLW reduction in Egypt, and help decision makers to develop policy, strategy and programs for FLW reduction by increasing the availability of data on FLW.


A central body to improve the collection, transparency, analysis, availability and dissemination of data on FLW at all stages of the food value chain and provide a platform for all stakeholders to work together in a coordinated way to reduce FLW in food systems and contribute to food security in Egypt.


Catalyze and promote a common understanding of the nature and scope of FLW through adapting improved food loss assessment methodologies and establishing a national partnership and alliance of public and private sector organizations with commitment towards reducing FLW and strengthening food security.

About Us

Food losses and waste Monitoring & Evaluation Unit (FLW M&E Unit) is a central body to improve the collection, transparency, analysis, availability and dissemination of data on FLW along all stages of the food value chain to help decision makers design policies, strategies and programs for FLW reduction from farmers to retail markets. Established by the Ministerial decree No. 456/2018, FLW M&E, is to provide a platform for all stakeholders to work together in a coordinated way to reduce FLW that occur in the food systems to improve the state of food security and nutrition in Egypt. With this Vision in mind, Our Mission is to catalyze and promote a common understanding of the nature and scope of FLW through adapting improved food loss assessment methodologies and establishing a national partnership and alliance of public and private sector organizations with commitment towards reducing FLW and strengthening food security.


Latest News

Wednesday 20 November 2019

Activity of the waste unit in the workshop on the definition of sustainable development goals

Sunday 1 October 2017

losses in agricultureFAO trains 800 farmers and labourers on improving agricultural practices and reducing loss and waste of grapes and tomatoes in Nubaria, Egypt

Wednesday 7 November 2018

FAO and National Council for Women conduct trainings on reducing household food waste, targeting 600 women in Sharqia governorate


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Food loss analysis for tomato value chains in Egypt

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Food loss analysis for grapes value chains in Egypt

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Definitional framework of food loss

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Global Initiative on Food Loss and Waste Reduction

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